While scrolling through pictures taken by Flynn playing 1/3 nlhe a few weeks ago, this wicked thang reared it’s ugly head.

The Trooper hand

Flynn, being the bird-brain he is (can’t concentrate for nutin’), says to self:

“Self, this is the @TheTrooper97 ‘s favorite hand. Or at least what he used to think was his favorite hand.” Since Flynn has been following The Trooper’s vlog since the beginning (yep, pre-100 followers) and has played in his meet-up game a couple times, and been dealt to when The Troop was at the Linq and so on…well, it only made sense to come on in with these stellar two cards. Was there a pre-flop raise? Was Flynn in position? No one remembers. What Flynn does remember is flopping two pair, having a flush draw, and firing. Hard. What does Ollie remember? The not so well-hidden miffedness (yes, it’s a word now) when the sole opponent held out for the rivered straight with the at least excusable 10 J. GoGamble, Flynn’s ass.

No, the point is not that Flynn lost the hand. On the river. Best until not the best. The point is that Flynn “should” have never played that hand in the 1st place. If he had played it and won, would that not just perpetuate the myth? This brings us to wonder about the number of times Doyle Brunson been cursed by players – not for his conservative political beliefs, but instead because they played 10 – deuce? WSOP winner twice! Gotta play it, right? Best of luck to ya, cause even @TexDolly knows it’s a crappy hand.

Be honest, fellow flamingos and followers: how many times have you gone ahead and limped in with 7-2 off , just so you could (hopefully) show it off when you took down the pot? For fun, out of boredom? And, how many times did you get sucked in with bottom pair to hang in there for no good reason except hope and pride? Hey, you could hit your set of 2st on the river against the walrus w/the pair of Qs.

Lest you think that Flynn is whining yet again, be assured. It makes poker fun to play sentimental, nostalgic or famous hands. It lends a flash of risk or fun to what could otherwise be a boring excursion. Not catching with the good stuff? Play 2-4, and give @PokerGrump a shout out. Play K-9, give a passing woof to @bigfokkerdog. Play 7-4 off, and blame your loss or apologize for your win on Flynn himself. Be prepared to take it on the beak most of the time.

Oh yeah, to add another dimension to the fun, announce when you sit down that you will be playing every X X hand (7 4 or YOUR favorite trash). Watch your opponents eyeball you every time it flops, especially when you are still in the hand with your KQ . Fire away and keep dreaming.

Flynn, the flighty one

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