Monday, after wild-card weekend in Las Vegas during a pandemic. One would think the place would be dead. Nope. There are still tourists here, gawking and taking selfies. Here is the glorious part: there are not very many of them. Flynn saw the Bellagio fountains from the rail, with no one within 50 feet from him 3 times in a row. He has not bumped into one single human on the sidewalk or on the casino floor. The only place that seems to be remotely crowded is the Bellagio poker room.

But, we digress. This morning Flynn decided to take a stroll and get some stretching and aerobics in. First stop was every bar he could find inside the Cosmopolitan. There are a lot of them. If you can name these 6 by pix, well, you win a t shirt. Flynn can’t remember them, so you will have to be trustworthy.

Carrying on his walk, here are a few more pretty sights because we here at the Chronicle believe you should enjoy the beauty around you:

Okay, enough fun stuff, let’s get back to the grind. Caesar’s Poker Room was open for business. The wait for a seat was about 15 minutes at one of the 2 tables of 1/2 (or was it 1/3?). Here’s news to Flynn: no promotions there! This is great news, as Flynn prefers straight poker to chase-the-promotion poker. Less rake, more skill. Flynn hung out there for an hour or so, until his KK got cracked by AA. Opting not to re-buy, he racked up zero chips and continued back south.

After a light snack, he found himself back at the Bellagio. The room was busy – Flynn hung out for about 15 minutes before they opened a new 1/3 table. Yay, his favorite way to start a game! The players were fine, the aggro ones were put in their place relatively in short order, and Flynn ran well. In 3 hours he was able to run his stack up to 3x buy-in. Ba-Boom, calling it a day. Yes, it was early by Vegas standards, but it’s always better to quit when one is ahead. Time to hit the room and nuke a burrito have a salad while enjoying the view.

Back at it on episode 10! Stay tuned.

