Since we have 3 hours to kill at SeaTac, F & O figured they should go ahead and get a jump on the travel blog portion. This is harder than it seems, since Flynn is drunk . FYI, we are headed to the Amalfi Coast. Then Paris. We know, don’t say it.

At the Delta Sky Lounge

F & O stayed overnight at SeaTac motel, primarily due to the unpredictable traffic getting from south Puget Sound to SeaTac and notoriously long lines at TSA. Of course, since we were already up north yesterday afternoon, F & O had to log another losing session at Fortune Poker. Variance sucks. Good thing we had pre-paid this trip. But, Flynn digresses. Needless to say, since the critters had planned so well in advance, getting to the airport and through security was no problems (Delta Premier, of course). Having to bide one’s time for 3 hours is so much better with free booze, free food, wi-fi, comfy seats, no pandemonium, and being waited on hand and foot. Yes, they even have massage services. Looking around, there are many travelers here, most of whom look ‘entitled’ or ‘busy’, rather than grateful to be able to enjoy the ambiance and privilege. Yes, privilege. Flynn said it. Get off yourselves folks, and appreciate what you have. Not one person, other than F & O are smiling.

Since we had breakfast at the hotel (a light snack, as Flynn’s friend Kandi calls it), and another smattering of breakfast fare an hour later at the lounge – Kale and strawberry salad w/feta and basalmic ~ yummy, we shall now patiently await the lunch fare. Every two hour is a thing, right? And, with enough champagne, there is every reason to smile. Gonna be a fun trip across the water!

Happy Happy Joy Joy

