We know you have been anxiously awaiting the Chron’s official Christmas op-ed, and we strive to accommodate.

First of all, if you are offended that we use “Christmas”, then you are reading the wrong blog. Flynn is not of any denomination, as he is a bird. Ollie is an otter, and is still working it out. We could use ‘holidays’, but that leaves out all the really fun ones the rest of the year. ‘X’mas is just too boring. So, no matter your belief system, Christmas is the last two weeks of December. Done with that.

We have the usual snivels:

  • Gift giving pressure. We prefer to give all year long.
  • Retailers starting to sell red & green before Halloween (which is in the top 5 of holidays).
  • Commercials which attempt to convince you that if you receive a certain brand of perfume, jewelry, or exercise equipment you will be drop dead gorgeous, mysterious, and desired. Or creepy.
  • Commercials that make it seem normal to give a brand new vehicle as a Christmas gift. Even worse, to buy two!
  • Full parking lots and long register lines. We still need to buy groceries for the week, but now it takes 45 minutes of circling the lot and surrounding 1/2 mile radius to park, and another 30 in line to self-check out. Don’t even try to get in line with a real checker <- who for sure doesn’t get paid enough.
  • An overabundance of sugar. Not that anyone in their right mind would whine about sweets, but the amount of cookies, candy, cake and pie floating around every office and household borders on gross. Would someone please just bring Christmas sandwiches for once?
  • Porch pirates ~ aka, jackasses .

Alright, we get it. There are good things about Christmas too:

  • If you are a child, or the parent of a child ~ ‘nuf said.
  • Elves and reindeer are cool.
  • If you are seriously Christian or otherwise faith denominated where the days are meaningful
  • There are LOTS pretty lights, some of the music is good
  • Traditions bring fond memories
  • You may get to see some afar family, or hear from friends you have not touched base with since last Christmas
  • Creative cocktails
  • More mashed potatoes (never enough)

So, what have the editors of the Chronicle, Flynn and Ollie done this Christmas?

  • Strung a few lights, sent a few cards, mailed a few gifts
  • Delivered Meals on Wheels on C Eve
  • Hosted dinner for friends, hosted Eve dinner with family
  • Opened our home to someone needing a place to crash
  • Put some dough into the trip-jar (because experience over stuff)

Funny thing : we do all of these year round. Yes, even the lights and the cards (if postcards count). Here it is Christmas Day – morning to be exact. What are we doing right now, you ask?

Working – at real work. It’s just another day, only we get to add extra $ to the trip-fund. It is just another day that we hope each one of you, readers or not, spend fruitfully and with humor. If you need a postcard ~ we are here for you.

Merry Christmas from Flynn, Ollie, and the Editors of the Chronicle.

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