No, the bird and otter have not fallen off the face of the earth. They have not gone dark, they have not bowed out of the blog entertainment. They have been spending their time doing things they don’t remember. Getting old does that to you.

We departed LV in mid-April and went back to Coarsegold, CA where we spent six-weeks in our home park. Here we pretended to be domesticated, non-nomad critters. Flynn planted flowers. Ollie did some home maintenance. We visited family, got to know our neighbors, kicked up our flippers and chilled for a bit while planning our next voyage.

Here are some pretty flowers the editor planted – the roses were already there, but near dead:

A side trip was taken by the editor by plane to upstate NY to visit some family. Not many photos were taken as during this time she was busy taking care of business. However, here is some pie provided by the best pie-maker in the world, and a pretty street in one of the rural towns. To be honest, memory is foggy about this excursion as the massive sick-as-a-dog cold virus knocked the editor nearly blotto. Flynn and Ollie look forward to making another, more relaxing and healthy trip in the future in the RV.

Back in CA, F&O carefully planned a voyage to begin in June, headed east, then north to SD, WY, MT, ID, WA (to visit our friends who we miss dearly) then back to CA for a month before heading to the Balloon Fiesta in Oct in Albuquerque. Some campground reservations were made ahead of time, but it was more of a hang-loose kind of trip. This did not happen.

Instead of heading north for the summer, as all sane RVers do, we had the pleasure of being invited to Alabama to get Bebop’s massive list of warranty items fixed. No one wants to be in Alabama in the summer. Nor do they want to be in TN, MS, or KY – all places we have been frequenting this past month while the rig has been in and out of the service bays. Those of you who are members of the “Red Bay Email String” have been privy to this drama.

Drama with fix-it notwithstanding, the trip east to AL was both fast (10 days) and enlightening. We visited a lot of states in a short amount of time getting to Red Bay from CA.

We stood on the corner of Winslow, AZ and it was such a sight to see! Ollie got to see his daughter for a few hours in Albuquerque, we ate steak in the stockyards in Oklahoma City, and camped along the Mississippi river in (get this) West Memphis, Arkansas <- totally non-sequitur. The drive to AL was fast and furious, gave us a taste of a bunch of different locales, and went quite smooth.

F & O love to play inside museums. This was in AZ:

Do you want more pictures? Sure… here we go across the country:

This brings us to June 10th, when we pulled into Red Bay, Alabama. It was a hectic trip, but we finally made it to our glamorous current campsite, here at the Tiffin Corrections Facility – otherwise known as the service center. We are inside the barbed wire fence for work-release rules. I guess they don’t trust us not to wander off. The rich bus owners are outside for home-monitoring. Three hots and a cot though, it’s free accommodations.

Bebop gets its spa days in these bays. There are about 50 of them.

We have been housed at Red Bay for over a month now. Between appointments and on the weekends, Flynn and Ollie have been a few places and seen a few things (the Nashville post prior should give you a hint). However, those excursions will have to wait until the next episode. This editor is tired and there is an annoying yapping dog sitting at the next table over. Ick. Love dogs, hate dog owners.



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