Desperate times call for desperate measures. The Flynn-ster has resorted to watching poker on TV. Of course, there is no new poker on TV, so this means watching what is available on YouTube or various network TV channels. It’s all old stuff. We’ve seen a lot of it already, so yeah, we already know who…
A Bird & Otter Enter a Casino
A short story. Flynn stumbled toward the restroom entrance, just as Ollie was exiting, both swerved to miss each other and narrowly missed the two men in the switchback alcove having a quiet conversation. Ollie stopped suddenly and spun towards them. The older man was wearing a casino uniform. The other one was dressed like…
Speculation: The Fate of Poker
Flynn & Ollie miss hearing about hand histories, character descriptions, trip reports, and room reviews. Flynn’s favorite past time (drinking at a poker table) has been sidelined for the good of the humans. As the weeks march on, more and more people are speculating on the fate of live poker; in both remote card rooms…
The Chronicle Happenings
The editors of the Chronicle have been very, very busy. In addition to their paying job, they have been wracking their bird brains to come up with entertaining content for the ‘paper’. Yesterday, Flynn made sweet rolls, this time with homemade tropical fruit and coconut filling. Flynn has finally nailed down the recipe for the…
The Closure of Las Vegas
As Flynn alluded to in the previous poker post, Flynn and Ollie were in Las Vegas during it’s last operating days. Frankly, it can only be described as surreal, from a regular visitor’s point of view. F&O were in Las Vegas for 3 nights, 4 full days. Arrival Wed morning 3/11, Day 1: nothing had…
F & O Play at Aria and More…
Okay, so it went like this: On the morning of day 2 of the Vegas portion of the trip, despite very much enjoying the hotel, the poker, and the weather, Flynn began to wonder. Wonder about all sorts of stuff, but mostly about how prudent was it really to stay in town for a week?…
Suprise! F&O back in Vegas
Flynn and Ollie have spent the past 10 days in the sunny state of Florida. They had a fabulous time, and if the editors of the Chronicle ever got their act together, they may finish the travel articles about it. But, now for the important stuff: Las Vegas: poker updates and so forth. Prior to…
Key West Days 2 & 3 – Sun and Booze
Prior to the trip, a friend of ours made it crystal clear that F&O were to go to the Southernmost point buoy on Key West, and get a picture. Apparently he had neglected this when visiting himself years ago, and needed F&O to make it right in his mind. Therefore, the first item on the…
F & O do FL ~ Key West Pt 1
As faithful followers on Twitter and IG know, the bird and otter (and their handlers) are officially on yet another vacation. While this does not rival the Amalfi coast and Paris of last year, this one is shaping up to be a close rival. Armed with disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer, they embarked upon a…
Jan ’20 Vegas Trip Report ~ Food
A quick summary of the places we F&O were stuck eating while spending 2.5 days in Las Vegas on the strip without a car. Do you feel sorry for us? This was a ‘budget friendly’ attempt. Excepting Wynn, excepting fast food, excepting Walgreens… Okay, F&O eat what they want, when they want. It shows. Chayo…