Flynn and Ollie departed Sin City on a Sunday, the same Sunday as the final day of the NFR which had taken over the city. Those in the know are probably cringing at the thought of driving out of town this day, but in reality there was not a single delay, hiccup, or motor vehicle…
F&O Have Resurfaced
Early December 2022 It would be close to the truth to say that, yes, Flynn and Ollie did fall off the face of the earth for a few months. Even on Twitter the posts have been far and few between as they have escaped the zoo and begun their life on the lam. This is…
LV March ’22, Day 12 – Ouch! At Bellagio
As this day, a Monday, was to be Flynn and Ollie’s last day in Sin City, and a they had no specific plans for the day, they decided to do exactly as they wanted to do, when they wanted to do it. Therefore, Ollie took Angry Bird to the Orleans to play O8 8/16, and…
LV March ’22, Day 11 – Drunk Poker / SouthPoint
Sunday: After the usual morning routine, Flynn and Ollie set out to do some shopping. They have ‘people’ who take care of the house, care for the jerk-of-a-cat (Mr. Jones Morse, “Jonsey”), put them up along their drive, etc, so F&O enjoy picking up souveniers from their travels along the way for them. The problem…
LV March ’22, Day 8 – Status Quo
Flynn and Ollie awoke early this day and headed out to the remote wilds of the desert to a ghost town called Pahrump. They went there to scout potential future home sites, which seem to be a bit more affordable than the mega-city of the LV area. In reality Pahrump is a full on town/city…
Trip Report, Las Vegas March 2022
Faithful readers of the Chronicle know that road trips are frequent. So, while this report will cover “Day 1” of poker in LV, it is really day something-or-another of this trip for Flynn. Flynn and his handler hit town on a Wednesday afternoon. For some unknown reason (guesses about the size of the tip), they…
Feb – March Poker & Trip Report~ Ep #1
Friday, the 25th 2022: Flynn spent 9 hours solo in Angry Bird driving from Home to Redding, CA. It was a beautiful drive, below freezing for most of it, yet sunny with blue skies and gorgeous views. (The pix kinda blows cause it’s tough to take photos with a cell phone while driving in a…
LV Oct 21, Day 5 – fresh air & poker
Thursday,14th. This was a packed-full day for Flynn & Ollie. The first stop was to service Angry Bird, the transportation choice for F&O this trip. While they were waiting, Flynn penned and published the Day 4 blog. It’s amazing what one can get done in unusual places. Mission completed, the Bird ready to rock, F&O…
LV – Day 9 (Friday) and Beyond
Yes, this is a bit late, but tough luck. And, it’s been so long, and so many drinks ago, that Flynn barely remembers what he did this day. No doubt he drank coffee and wrote a blog in the morning before heading to the Bellagio to play (again) some 2/5. Ollie went with him. Ollie…
LV Trip Report, Sunday – day 4
Since arriving in LV, F&O had been staying at the South Point. This day was moving day, so F&O forced themselves to get packed up and schlep all their stuff to Vdara. As they had about 6 bags of stuff, this is a logistics problem relating to check-out times vs check in times, and the…