Having no idea where he left off, Flynn shall just jump through having visited South Pass City as F&O made their way along the Flaming Gorge NRA, and into Vernal, UT to visit their very old friends, the dinosaurs. 

Hang on.   For those that have the opportunity, South Pass City is a state historical site, museum type town, which is pretty interesting.   There are about 4 human residents there; the ones who collect the entrance fee and are willing to sell as many postcards as a bird could possibly want.   The buildings are all restored, and are neat and tidy.    On the flip side, a similar ‘town’ is just down the windy, dirt road ~ Atlantic City.    No, not the NJ one.  Now, this is a town that has some, uhm, character.    Frankly, it is a little scary.   Run down abandoned and occupied houses along with some questionable commercial establishments (play the “open or not” game as you pass quickly by) exist here.     F&O saw no humans, but had the feeling they were being watched closely as they drug their house down the dirt road through.  Banjos, for sure.   

Big sign, small F&O

Okay, back to F&O’s visit with their aged relatives.  Their jaunt took them via Hwy 44 from Manila, UT to Hwy 191, then south to Vernal.    No exaggeration, this drive was spectacular.   Flynn will leave it to Bigfokkerdog to describe it in more detail, but it is not to be missed. 

Something here does not belong….

Enough road time under their belts for a couple of days, stocked up on fried chicken and other groceries, F & O managed to get to their Dinosaur National Park reservation on time (early).  They obtained postcards in the gift shop, and hopped on the shuttle to the Quarry exhibition.   Naturally they had to touch everything and pose with their friends for photos.     Once they had absorbed all the ‘saur information their tiny brains could handle, they opted to do the hike back to the visitors center rather than take the shuttle.   What a great hike!   Not difficult, a little warm, but camelbacks, hats, and copious amounts of sunscreen made it a breeze.

Ollie found food (clams), Flynn hung out with his ancestors. A good time was had by all.

The final hour at the Dinosaur NP was spent on the scenic drive through the park.  Ollie made friends with a camp host and her dog. The CH had a fascinating life story ~ one of living in a van (still does) and roaming. The dog was cute, and the van had a name neither F nor O can remember.  <- pointless, we know. They saw old drawings, big rocks of many colors and shapes, and the river running through. The drive ended at Josie’s old homestead.  She wasn’t home, but her cabin and chicken coop were still there.   F & O left their card on her door.

If anyone has questions about dinosaurs, ask Ollie. Flynn has a bird brain and won’t remember.



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