There is not a whole lot to report this day from the city of Las Vegas. Okay, you caught it, F&O really spent their time in the Paradise casinos instead. First stop in the (late) morning was the stroll to the Bellagio to start a new 2/5 game. Flynn just hung out and did his thing for a few hours ~ met a guy who had just come back from Peru. He had gone there initially to meet a woman he had been dating on-line for 4 months. After 5 days in-person, it didn’t work out. He decided to stay anyway, not knowing a soul. Six months later he is back in North America speaking almost fluent Spanish. Did Flynn mention he is Canadian, 2nd gen Italian? Don’t ask how he did all this travelling during Covid…. something about photoshop and deets we don’t want to know.

Ollie also eventually arrived at Bellagio, and hopped into a 1/3 game. Since he was across the room, Flynn has not the slightest idea how he fared. Flynn racked up a bit ahead (yay!) and fetched Ollie so they could go to Area 15.

First impression: interesting joint. Lots of glow in the dark paint and fancy lighting which somewhat reminded Flynn of the Kiss Mini-golf place. Essentially, the décor is fun, it’s free to step inside, but there is a cost to actually partake in any activities. Flynn really wanted to go into the Mega Mart, but the admission price was $40. Not fibbing. Add to that, the place was jam packed, with lines for every attraction. Frankly, the jam-packedness suprised F&O; they had no idea that Area 15 was such a big hit/destination spot for the tourists. Good for them, but not really Flynn’s jam.

Area 15

By mid afternoon it was time for lunch, which turned out to be dinner after 3 pm at a great AYCE sushi place off Maryland (had to be good because the location was horrid). They stuffed themselves for the day full of fish and various other seafood staples needed for a healthy diet for flamingos and otters. Back to city-center they went, parked the flying carpet and took a rest in their awesome digs.

You know it: F&O hit Aria late in the evening to get more poker under their belts. Addicts. Flynn took a look at the 2/5 games there, but they looked too scary. He is not a fan of coming to the table short-stacked, and needs some time in those stakes to get comfortable. So, 1/3 it was. Ollie was at a table across the room. Flynn had a dull run of cards ~ almost nothing remotely playable, and no significant winners. The tablemates were unremarkable. By the time he was down half of a buy-in, he moved seats and continued the run of 8-2 off for another 30 mins before he finally got AA. (2nd time all trip, he thinks). A raise by Flynn was countered by an all-in to his right, Flynn snap called and snapped off the opponent’s KK. Sorry, not sorry. (He was a nice guy, but just couldn’t win that night). Now in the black a pittance, Flynn called it a night and hit the hotel.

Ollie’s spidey sense kicked in so he opted to stay put when 3 semi-pro (used lightly) rec regulars arrived late to his table. His cards kicked into turbo mode, his soul-reads became crystal clear, and he departed 3 hours later with a hefty chunk of profit. Good work, Ollie!

That is it for the day. Can’t ask for better.



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