Well, boys and girls, we here at the Chronicle would like to tell you all about Drunk Poker at the Mirage, but frankly most of our memories have been wiped clean. Obviously a sign that it was a either a smashing success, or an epic failure. Since we didn’t have to post bail, we are taking an educated guess that it went off without a hitch.

Drunk Poker is 2/4 limit where most (but not all) participants choose to imbibe heavily and throw their bankrolls around just for the heck of it. Those that don’t partake in the evil spirits take full advantage, and as long as they are nice about it, no one really minds. It’s more a matter of luck than skill at this game.

The remarkable note about this particular MUG: lots of newcomers from WA making the flight for this event. Okay, we like to think it was just for this event, but in reality it was probably for the 75 degree weather and sunshine. Several have never played poker before this game, or at least never played in a casino. Didn’t seem to matter one iota, since it is Drunk Poker. One really hard core degenerate flew down the morning of the game after having worked all night, played drunk poker (drunk), and flew back the next day. This should become a thing. Our hero!

Mid-game snack of Carnegie’s. Got to soak up some booze. That s*it is gooooood!

The Chronicle must give a shout out to the Mirage for being so gracious about hosting the game, making us feel welcome and not getting cranky when it got loud and a few rules were broken. We are positive the ‘serious’ players at surrounding tables were envious of our debauchery. The dealers, floor, and cocktail staff took it all in stride.

Yep, here is the family photo. So proud.

Some folks went broke (Ollie), some made a bundle, some hung in there until the bitter end on fumes (Flynn). We don’t remember anyone crying. Flynn won a bet on the Nationals against Stump Poker who had the Astros (neener), the red or black prop was a thing, and at the end we all went to our beds and passed out. F&O didn’t find any strangers in our room the next morning, so all must have gone well.

The amazing part of this story is that no one admitted to having a hangover. Everyone was starving and craving carbs though. The WA contingent and local Stump Poker (our semi-host) drug their butts outta bed and headed off to Roma for lunch. Pasta has to be the best cure for a non-hangover ever, which finally explains why Todd Brunson has a piece of it. The staff handled a drop-in party of eight during the lunch rush without drama, and the food was up to it’s usual standards – delicious.

The crew at Roma.
BTW, Stump Poker is still mad about losing the Astros/Nationals bet.

Not much else to report. We at the Chronicle, Flynn, Ollie and Chris appreciate having made new friends as well as having the opportunity to facilitate the 4th Drunk Poker MUG. We will do this again. Stay tuned.



2 thoughts on “Drunk Poker MUG Oct 2019”

  1. The hubbins and I had a blast on our first adventure to Vegas, Drunk Poker, debauchery at The Mirage and indeed, no hangover the next day for The Roma Deli, nommers!
    Flynn and Ollie are great hosts 🙂

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