As faithful followers on Twitter and IG know, the bird and otter (and their handlers) are officially on yet another vacation. While this does not rival the Amalfi coast and Paris of last year, this one is shaping up to be a close rival.

Armed with disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer, they embarked upon a brutal 2-plane red-eye (starting with watching 3 drunks get escorted off the plane before we took off – ending with a warning light in the cockpit that delayed the 2nd flight) from the NW to Fort Lauderdale, where they rented a car and drove to the Keys. Of course, they had to stop outside of Miami for some Cuban food and beverages. Squirrels delayed the trip a few times, so the drive along Rt 1 was two stops in Key Largo: the visitors center and another for some triple-shot coffees.

F & O got to watch the famous sunset as they made the drive south. There was also much discussion about which of the Keys they should move to before they arrived at the Duval House to check in after dark. They were given a tour of the grounds, two real metal keys, and a couple of adult beverages as a welcome gift. Despite having been up for 28 hours and counting, they hit the sidewalk in search of a light dinner. Fortunately for them, they discovered DJ’s Clam Shack about 3 blocks down, where they knocked conch fritters and a lobster roll off their bucket list. They also got a sticker, and left their own in exchange. Excellent food, super staff.

A solid 8 hours of sleep later, and day 2 was about to begin. What did F&O do? Had a lovely (included) breakfast on the property and then walked Duval Street south to Mallory Square. They gawked, ate, drank, and took in the atmosphere. More conch fritters (because one HAS to do a comparison) & key lime float for a snack, and lots of shopping and photos. Early evening brought the 2nd excursion to Mallory Square ~ first a stop at Lucy’s for a snack and a beverage (try the Cloudbreak, you will not be disappointed) where they discovered musician Sheldon playing next door. He is quite talented, but also caused F&O to be delayed getting to Mallory Square. They arrived RIGHT at sunset, in time to hear the applause. Strolling north, they found themselves at the Bull imbibing and listening to more excellent live music. Flynn entertained himself by high-fiving the tourists walking by on the sidewalk while Ollie just cringed. Several hours later, F&O split a seared Ahi salad at Jack Flats before calling it a night.

Day 3 next post. Gotta hit the beach. No time for this blogging stuff.

