The next installment of the F & O Italy vacation is a jaunt to Minori and Maoiri. Flynn had scoured the i-net for lunch in Minori, and Ollie had dutifully checked the bus schedule. It was pouring as they waited for the bus outside the casa, so naturally F & O snickered at all the humans with umbrellas. No self respecting Washingtonian would be caught dead with an umbrella. And, for good reason. By the time they reached Minori, 10 minutes later, the rain had stopped. Duh.
Lets go! Beach at Minori
Par for the course, the lunch choice (small pizzeria called Midnight Sun) was closed. Even funnier, was that the website for this particular business had gone rogue ~ obviously the restaurant had missed its domain name renewal and got snapped up by another business in San Francisco, a flagrant, unabashed gay bar with some awesome looking entertainment and photos. This should be a reminder for all businesses to keep up on their social and web presence. But, Flynn digresses (slightly disappointed he didn’t get to see that ‘other’ Midnight Sun, though).
A quick stroll about town (it’s small) brought us to a ristorante with the most local looking customers, a beach view, and indoors, as it was a little chilly. Sal de Riso. Lucky for F & O, this was not a mistake. Missing the original choice was quite fortuitous, as this was quite deliciosia. Margarita pizza (for those of you following Ejacks twitter account, a part of the Ultimate Pizza Week Challenge), caprice salad, pumpkin cream soup and…. dessert! Lots and lots of pastries, cakes, and sweets. Did we mention beer, wine, and cocktails? Yeah, those too. This place deserves a re-visit if at all possible, just for the pizza and dessert alone. Note the knife-work on the fruit:
1/2 of the dessert case Chocolate hazelnut crack Flynn’s cocktail
F & O clearly needed to fly off some of those calories, so they began the long, long trek to Maiori. Turns out, not so much, despite its appearance. It was half-a-mile: 1/4 mile up, 1/4 mile down – around a hill. That’s it. Easy, except for dodging the rare tourist who braves getting behind the wheel. Trust the native drivers, they won’t hit you. The rookies are a whole other story.
Maoiri was fairly quiet, most of the shops were closed, the beach unoccupied (dumb weather), and it was Sunday. F & O very much enjoyed exchanging buonaseras with the packs of animated Italian men walking the beachfront, gesturing, and acting very serious. The public transportation system is slashed on Sundays (something to do with church, no doubt), so F&O had to make the tour of Maoiri quick to catch the last ferry back to Amalfi.
Right on the nose Waiting for the ferry F&O’s digs from the ferry
Ollie wanted to jump off the ferry and swim to the residence, but Flynn was hesitant, so they stayed on the boat until Amalfi. A quick stop for supplies, and it was the usual hike back to Atrani to call it a day. So fun! Birds and otters are in love with the Italian lifestyle.