So, Flynn & Ollie decided to join facebook (<-not capitalized on purpose). F&O had been told many times that folks they may want to keep in touch with were only on this horrid, nasty, invasive app. It was easy to join. While creating the account and a page, however, (conveniently) for fakebook, it decided that there was “suspicious activity” on the account. Twice in 2 hours. While F&O was logged in and working on the page. The first time it wanted a phone # to send a message, which F&O had not provided (they used email) because F&O DO NOT WANT fakebook to have their #. The second time, it actually asked for a PICTURE OF THEIR FACE to be uploaded.

Frankly, F&O cannot think of ANYTHING more invasive than fakebook demanding a picture. A. There was never a picture uploaded, so they would have no comparison. B. It is none of their f*&^%-ing business what F&O look like to associate with a phone number. C. a # and a pix to associate with a location (which is required). D. to associate with a bunch of other easy-to-obtain personal information by any decent hacker once they have browsed posts. E. to data-mine and sell to the advertisers.

This was all fakebook, and not a hack. For realz, from them. F&O are dilligent.

F&O would like to accuse fakebook of not disclosing these ABSURD requirements before making it ‘so easy’ to join. We firmly believe that fakebook should not hamstring you from deleting your account when you do not agree to their sudden demand for a clear picture of your face and other personal information AFTER JOINING. They take a modicum of personal information, and then blackmail you into giving more. This is not safety and security, this is the opposite. **This is data mining at it’s very worst. **

F&O thought they would give fakebook another chance after not having been a participant for over 12 years. It is worse now, and F&O regret even thinking they might use it. Nope.