In 2017, Flynn went to Las Vegas to play a little poker, have a few adult beverages, and hang with his peeps. (For more recent celeb photos, see the ‘Star-Studded Pix’ page.)
He had a blast! Dan Negreanu was kind enough to put Flynn in his blog, Flynn watched Jennifer Tilly play from the sidelines, and he visited the not-obnoxious vendors for some photo ops.
This was a pre-Ollie trip, and one heck of an adventure! Flynn traveled in a 5th wheel in 115 degree temps, the fridge went out, played a TON of cash game NLHE, and generally partied it up in his element.
RunGood D + B Blue Sharks
Here are some of the nice and polite folk we visited!
Of course, in addition to gambling and drinking, a bird’s gotta eat.
No trip to the Rio would be complete without a stop at the WSOP Hot Dog Cart. The question is, was this just a photo op, or did Flynn actually dare……
Drunk Poker Frank’s Tiki Bar Flynn w/good booze
Now, we all know this was a couple of years ago. But, that’s okay, cause the next trip will be even better. Why, you ask? Cause Ollie will be there! 2020 maybe… if we aren’t in the Florida Keys, camping in Montana & Wyoming, or flat broke by then.
There is no try!
What a grand adventure! I can’t wait for the next one.