Made it to the Bay Area – spent time with family and (naturally) doing envy passes on the SF Bay in front of Pier 39 for all the tourists on the Quixote sailing ship. While F&O had just done the same thing last month, and had originally intended another route this trip, it turns out this was ‘just right’. F&O both are water creatures. Doooo it!

Pier 39 from the water.

Two point five days later, F&O took off for LV, deciding to run straight through from the Bay. Never afraid, but also not stupid, they opted for the overnight drive (9 hours) to mitigate the scorching temps through the Mojave. They hit LV hard at 5 am, checked in, racked out, and awoke refreshed and ready to roll.

First stop, of course, the Aria poker room. They got on the call-in list before arriving and were 42nd on the list of 57. Sheesh. No big deal for Aria, of course, they had F&O seated within an hour. The game was good, the staff was great, the skill level of opponents appropriately varied. Ollie ran it up , Flynn lost a buy-in the first 30 mins, and re-bought, ran it back up… meanwhile we ran into these fine folks:

Marle Cordeiro and Spraggy – gonna live happily ever after ~ once this one hand is over. I promise.

Sadly for Flynn, all did not go according to plan. He had run his 2nd buy-in up to almost even. He had been playing smart against the two most lethal opponents at the table. He was mostly card dead, but when opportunity presented itself, he did right. Until the last hand. The last hand, because Flynn made the wrong decision against lethal player. Dumb, dumb, dumb. But was it dumb or just a calculated risk? Either way, snap – all gone. Felted. (insert profanity here).

Flynn’s stacks and his friend TheDudeJoe

Flynn has a friend in the poker business. The same friend who dealt the last *losing* hand, so make of that what you will. (We crack ourselves up). In case you were wondering, Ollie ended up losing one buy-in. (insert more profanity here). Don’t get F&O wrong, it was a great game. Can’t wait to tackle it again. Can’t keep good marine & avian animals down. Plus, losing now means winning later, right?

Time to move on. Food had been scarce so it was time to forage. F&O picked up DaveHasAces (our guest columnist) from the Rio, and they motored on over to Herbs and Rye. This place was super cool. Very city-like vibe, dark, noisy, and focused on craft cocktails. Highly recommend ~ sit at the bar. The bartenders are well-versed in customer service (fun) as well as their craft. Food was delic, but at that point Ollie would have eaten a smelt and been happy.

Matching !

Back to the abode around midnight – hey, almost Vegas time! F&O hit the sack, and got a real night’s sleep for the first time in a few days. Back at it, boys, girls, and twees!



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