Flynn’s teams in order: 49ers, Chiefs, Saints, Seahawks, Raiders, and Redskins. Don’t judge. Each has it’s story, and Flynn is sticking to it.

After numerous years of drought, Flynn’s top-top are gonna play heads up for the trophy. This is not only some cool stuff, but it also raises the question: which team does Flynn root for? One would think the Flynn fav would be San Fran, after all they are the first in the list. Flip side: OMG, Mahomes! KC is on fire, and there is no way anyone in his or her fuzzy right brain would wish a loss on that QB.

If only either SF or KC were playing any other team, it would be a simple choice. Barring any of the top 6, Flynn’s new hero is the TN Titans for knocking the cheating, whining, temper-tantrum Patriots out of the playoffs. Flynn does not like any TX teams dating back to the old Redskin/Cowboy rivalry. However, he will even give that Texans team props for putting Belichick in his place. Go cry in a corner, Brady.

Here Flynn sits, thrilled that his 2 have made it here. He wishes it were over. Right now. Two winners, no losers. Chop it up.

KC by 1 with apologies to SF. Happy either way.



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