(Friday, the 8th) After yesterday’s rant about the Orleans room management, Flynn and Ollie were looking forward to spending some time in a classier joint. Before they could do that, however, they had to venture out to a store with food and stock up on supplies for the remainder of the week. Off they went, ‘running errands’ while on vacation. Seems so mundane.

Upon return, they hit the Bellagio poker room. It was busy, even at noon. F&O had to wait a short bit to be seated so Flynn stopped by the sports book to make a ridiculous number of prop bets on wildcard weekend. Seats became open and as luck would have it (not), they were seated at the same table. No drama involved between the two, it’s just not the best dynamic.

Speaking of drama, none to speak of, with exception of Cranky Racist man. He called the clock twice on a player of a certain heritage who (both times) was facing a huge bet and had a decision to make. Cranky Racist was not in the hand either time, and, no exaggeration, he called the clock when less than a minute had passed. He did not call a clock on anyone else at the table. The second time Flynn lost it, and snapped. Ollie snapped too, so Cranky Racist was surrounded (F&O were on opposite sides of the table) by an irritated otter and flamingo. Cranky Racist picked up his chips and left, hurling insults as he (tried to) storm out. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, sir. It should be said here that F&O (or at least Flynn who pens this story) does feel slightly apologetic for going so off the rails, and certainly could have handled it better. Normally he excels at not letting bad behavior affect him. Excuse: witnessing the sh&^ show at the Orleans, he was just not in the mood to deal with the same attitude at the Bellagio.

But we digress. The game was fine, well run, and F&O stayed until they made their way to the Sahara Poker Room to play a 4/8 mixed game in the late afternoon.

What have we gotten into?

This was their first experience with this format, and despite a bit of studying prior to this trip, it was a steep learning curve. There were a hundred thousand game placards, and most of them Flynn could not pronounce. Thankfully the other players were patient and coached them along as needed. Both Flynn and Ollie had a blast, and are very sorry they had to leave so early. Flynn wishes he were going to be here next Friday night as well to ‘do it right’. He is sure that with some practice he could crush the game for thousands. Right? The Sahara poker room is very nice, well run, well kept. Flynn looks forward to spending some more time there (they run a 1/2 NL game). Yes, Luke, we will bring your shirt this week. Thanks for putting the game together!

Almost with regret, F&O headed out to dinner at the ol’ standby, Echo & Rig. As was Ollie’s last night in town, they were going to go our for a nice celebratory dinner. They had attempted to get reservations at some other, closer, fancy restaurants, but with the current state of the world, they were too late. Next trip. As always, E&R did not disappoint ~ good service, atmosphere, food, and adult beverages.

Dinner done, the Sahara didn’t have seats (per Poker Atlas), so the critters opted to call it a night. Ollie packed and Flynn just enjoyed the view from the room, which, by the way, was stellar. Good night, folks.



One thought on “LV 1/21 ~ Episode 6”

  1. I played the mixed games at Sahara, expecting it to be essentially HORSE. Ha! I felt like the class idiot. I knew so little about most of the games and was not willing to supplement everyone else’s bankroll, so I quit and slithered over to the NL table.

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