The Chronicle apologizes in advance for the short and uneventful nature of this post. As a matter of fact, there is no a whole lot of upside to the day in general. Mind you, dear readers, nothing tragic happened. Any day in LV is better than a day in rain and gray.

The worst part of the day was dropping Ollie off at the airport. He had to go back to his native habitat to earn some more clams. Flynn was left to fend for himself for the next 5 days.

First stop was the Wynn poker room. Flynn checked Bravo, saw only 1 table of 1/3, and one name on list. He called, got on list while on way back from airport. Funny Flynn, didn’t recall they had moved the room, thought he was being ‘local’ by parking in the Encore garage. Yeah, turns out it had moved (back) to Wynn side, and he had no clue. Okay, a few more steps won’t hurt. As he got to the real poker room, they started up a new 1/3 game. Perfect.

This game started off great. Up a bit, moving along smoothly. The football games were on, stack was growing slowly. Then the dreaded doomsday downswing happened. Mind you, this was 5 days coming, so not unexpected, just annoying. Yep, Flynn dusted off his profit, his buy-in, and a 2nd buy-in before realizing it wasn’t gonna happen. By this time every-single-table at the Wynn was full, as the Venetian tournament was breaking up and everyone was coming to Wynn. Time to suck up the loss, Flynn, and call it (kinda like the Seahawks and the Colts).

Flynn had to make a ‘quick’ stop at the Sahara to drop off a shirt and inquire about a lost item (ask Ollie about that). Naturally, he ended up sitting in their 1/2 game. He was able to chill out in a peaceful atmosphere, watch the night game, and even chipped up – in the beginning. Not surprisingly, the poker gods were having some spat, and Flynn was the fallout. Another downswing, a short re-buy, and he called it a night for real after using his comps to get some dinner to-go. Frankly, Flynn had a nice time at the Sahara, despite the loss, and hopes he is able to get down there again this trip. Chairs are good, staff is friendly, and it’s quiet.



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