Friday, the 15th: Up at the crack of 9:30, Flynn and Ollie rushed through the morning routine in order to hit the tables at Bellagio. The lesson had paid off from earlier in the week, they got on the call-in list, they were there by 11:00 am and bought lots of chips to cover any potential re-buys.

Both F&O were seated almost immediatly at a 1/3 table to bide their time until a 2/5 seat came open. This was a great table. The players were friendly and the cards were relatively cooperative.

Here is the story we have all been waiting for: Player A vs Player B. Player B had been getting the short end of every hand, and was rightfully cranky about getting rivered for stacks. Jumping to the end of this hand: A&B all in on the turn, river is posted, giving A a better two pair than B had on the turn. B loses the pot again, BUT, the dealer shoves the stacks over to B who had A covered. Several players at the table do the ‘no no’ chant, but player A, asian-appearing female, literally screeches and does not stop screeching. Obviously the dealer ceased the push, and now the fun begins, as there had been no count of A’s shove with the single chip that B threw in to call the all-in on the turn. A continues to berate the dealer, and claims to have had about 130, then 140, then 150… Her neighbor concurs that A did indeed have more than one stack, about a a stack and a half, but no one has an exact count. B is so fed up, he does’t really care and tells the dealer to just tell him how much. A cares A LOT, and demands the floor. The floor contacts survellience. Meanwhile, A will not shut up. Flynn finally gets fed up with her antics, tells her the dealer is overworked (Day 10 in a row) and a human and is entitled to make a mistake. Basically, Flynn (nicely) tells her to shut the f-up and wait for the ruling from survellience. She complies for about 15 minutes (play is stopped, obviously, everyone is off getting coffee or whatever) until the floor comes back to tell her survellience’s ruling thay she is entitled to a $100 stack. Cue the screeching again. A wants to see the footage, she argues and argues and argues, throwing a tantrum. Clearly her demands to look at the recording is denied. The floor tries to be patient and explain what the cameras saw, but she was having none of it… just as Flynn and Ollie were called to a brand new 2/5 table.

Dayamn it.. off they go. 15 minutes later, Flynn trots over to the 1/3 table. Both A&B are gone. He asks a remaining orginal player about the final outcome: A was awarded $100 and left in a huff. B left shortly thereafter, and no one can blame him. Two points: 1) if A had not thrown such a hissy fit, she would have gotten paid off $130/$140 instead of $100. 2) while F&O don’t know what the camera saw, the floor’s indication was that the 2nd short stack had been the calling part of the turn bet by B, the full stack was the all-in. Frankly Flynn is not so sure this is a fact, but survellience has no reason to be inaccurate. (They are human too, however.) Conclusion: There is a lesson here somewhere, but Flynn will be darned to say what it is.

At 2/5, Flynn and Ollie lost some, won some, lost some, won some, lost some. There were a couple of short re-buys, and at the end both were down very small amounts. The game was good, they had a good time people watching (the guy in the white suit with a briefcase and bodyguard in Bobby’s room caused a lot of speculation) but after another 10 hour session, they wanted food other than Noodles or Snax.

Flynn and Ollie cashed out slightly down and headed off to Roma Deli for Ollie’s last-night-in-Vegas dinner. They teased Norman Chad with pix of full cheese shakers, and noshed on pasta and a (split) tiramisu. Todd held his usual court in the corner. All good, and a nice relaxing end to the day.

Flynn and Ollie closed the place down, and that ended their day. Hope the readers are keeping up!

