Monday ~ one of the slower days for poker on the strip, except during the WSOP there is no such thing at any of the ‘big’ poker rooms. Flynn dallied around home for a few hours, catching up on two blogs, cashed out his NFL sports bets (a profit!) then headed out to the Wynn/Encore well after noon to meet up with two Twitter friends who were already there playing 1/3.

The table was a good one, with plenty of action (Josie, this means you). Most of the players conversed with each other, which is unusual. There were no characters of note for Flynn to relay stories or hand histories about, but he did learn that 10-J was an invincible hand on that day. Both Lightning36 and VeryJosie left late in the afternoon with tidy profits. Meanwhile, during their stay, Flynn’s buy-in had dwindled down to almost nothing. The cards or the flops apparently didn’t understand showdown equity, so there was a lot of pre-flop raising by Flynn when appropriate, and folding post when he was beat. Fortunately there was a decent read on the table, so no re-load of bullets was needed.

Flynn decided to hang out at Wynn after the peeps left. At a dealer’s suggestion he had ordered off-menu Drunken Noodles (comps, of course) for lunch previously, and had enough to last him for dinner on site. For the inquiring minds, Wynn has food service to the poker room, but you cannot actually eat at the table where play is occuring.

The football game was on (darn Bills), so Flynn stayed to watch and slowly chipped back up. By the time the game was over, he had eeked out a small profit – two all-ins faded, and no re-buy necessary. Three of his winning hands were 10-J. Patience is a virtue.

While there were all normal players earlier in the day, Flynn is more than happy to vent about the mansplainer who arrived when the peeps left (Lightning met him). As we all know, Flynn is a boy bird, but his handler is female. Apparently Seat 7 thinks that we are not very well versed in … anything…. so he spends his chatty time with us stating the obvious (hey, did you know the WSOP was going on?) and mansplaining. Lightning came over to finish his beverage and make plans for the follwing day ~ Seat 7 chatted amiably with him, in an almost normal fashion. As soon as L left, the old bad habits set in for good. Seat 7 knew everything, told us when to act, and even tried to tell the rest of the table some (wrong) action. Funny, I thought the dealer was the boss of the table?

We (F & handler) are normally patient with this kind of behavior ~ in fact we just chill with it as it is a great way to get information from the offender. Today, however, we were just not in the mood to be one-up’d with every story, told what to do and why to do it. We had work to do (get back our $) and a ballgame to watch. One chip to the side every time he did it, chip #10 hit the stack, and bam! ~ the next comment was met with ‘Really?’, a sideways eye-roll, and the headphones went on. 10 minutes later he moved to the other side of the table. In all fairness, do people even know when they are doing this? Do they mean to sound so condescending? Flynn and handler almost feel bad for not smiling and nodding until the bitter end simply because they do not think it’s malicious or intentional : just ingrained.

That was your food for thought. Here is a beautiful piece of art at the elegant Wynn/Encore. Flynn really likes the class of this joint. He finally learned where the access to the parking garage is located. There were no cars on the walkway today and it was a gorgeous night!




2 thoughts on “LV ’21 Day 9 – Wynning with peeps”

  1. Great playing with you! I’ll let you know when I’m in Vegas again. But come on, that was me playing tight. 🙂

    1. Was quite the fun time, so nice to have a friendly table! Look forward to taking on your 10/J again.

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