Sunday: After the usual morning routine, Flynn and Ollie set out to do some shopping. They have ‘people’ who take care of the house, care for the jerk-of-a-cat (Mr. Jones Morse, “Jonsey”), put them up along their drive, etc, so F&O enjoy picking up souveniers from their travels along the way for them. The problem is that the bird and otter are such frequent visitors to LV, that gifts have become problematic. It is harder and harder to find something representative of “local Las Vegas”, rather than trite shot glasses or slot machine fridge magnets. While we are at it, what is up with all the pot-themed apparel, and koozies? Sheesh, it’s old news and who wants to go around wearing a giant pot leaf on one’s chest? Bleck. Most people don’t wear generic ‘tequilla’ shirts, even though they may have margaritas. Whatever. Mind you, we have zero objection to mary-jane being legal and used appropriately. Just… whatever.

F&O first choice was the Neon Museum gift shop, but they were not open until 2pm. So they hit the Mob Museum gift shop. Then they lunched at Jessie Rae’s BBQ, which is a MUST DO when one is in town – yet again, it did not disappoint. F&O have been there numerous times, and it has never let them down, which is a rarity. They made it back to the Neon Museum exactly at 2 pm, only to find a sign on the door that said they would not be open until 3. This is sad, as there were many people there who wanted to visit, and just left. Most will probably not return, as they had Uber or taxi’d there, which was a waste of their hard earned dollars and time. If a business is going to do that, they should at least update their website in the morning! Downtown to look for ‘stuff’, hitting Circa and Binions… until it was time to make their way south.

South being The South Point for Drunk Poker. F&O got there a few minutes ahead of time, the management made room for the meet-up game in an already full room, with a tournament upcomng as well. Kudos to Bob, thank you! Once we got the cocktail servers at the table they never stopped coming, and the dealers tolerated Ollie’s drunkenness without batting an eye. Don’t misunderstand, Flynn was drunk too, but he is just a bit quieter about it. Lightning, Hockey_Jerseys, Luke, Zetus, and Albert (a super fun add-on) rounded out our table, with people from the 3/6 list coming and going as normal. The chips flew, Lightning smoked us all, Ollie took a hit (gee, suprise), one of the participants stayed sober (but it didn’t help his bottome line). Flynn ran it up, then got upstuck big time to the tune of a whopping $13. Most of the list-players got out of there as soon as they could, which was a testament to the recklessness of the 3/6 limit game. F&O got busted for trying to play the 7-deuce game, encouraging bomb pots, and taking pix in the casino. (Ha, we snuck one in anyway).

Just gettin’ started

This event lasted 4 hours, which is about all the booze the bird and otter can take. Most of the other partipants in the meet-up game had just barely left when F&O also said their adieu to the table and headed back to the room for a left over steak dinner. Lightning was still there, taking everyone’s money, so he wins the non-existent last-longer. We should do that next time though! As a side note, we found a local artist at the casino, and commissioned some small paintings to take to our folks back home. Solved all of our problems in a pretty and original way!

Monday is F&O’s last full day in the desert valley. Guess what they will be doing?



One thought on “LV March ’22, Day 11 – Drunk Poker / SouthPoint”

  1. Life is good when the deck smacks you in the face time and time again. Not to mention that when few people suck out on you on the river, poker is really fun!

    Thanks for setting this up. It was great seeing you again and meeting the new people there.

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