The author wishes there were exciting things to report from the Bellagio Poker room on this Saturday, but there really are no significant items of note. Unless getting completely destroyed the last half of the session counts, but we consider that sad, not exciting.

The late morning started off ok, got a seated immediately at 2/5 , a good seat and good table-mates. Flynn was neither up nor down, or was both, but no major swings until a few hours in, when his top top A K got snapped off by A 3 off hitting two pair. That cost Flynn his stack and he had to rebuy.

One little setback does not phase Flynn, as he is a confident bird. He began the grind back up, and over several more hours managed to get his stack to close to or in the black. All was going swimmingly, and the kind gentleman to his right even bought Flynn’s dinner (on his comps, he had hundreds). Win-win.

Cue the final 3 hours: Cold-decked and Coolered. Flynn became the player who couldn’t win a hand even if he could dodge bullets. He went entire dealer-downs without playing a hand, caught KK and lost massive. Blah blah blah. What can you do when your opponents catch and you don’t? The last straw was raising pre with 10 10 and losing lots with all unders on the board with the exception of a sole king. He called it a night. He called Ollie and whined. (Ollie hates that, but is a tolerant otter.)

Frustration put aside, the questsion is: did we learn anything from this? Was Flynn too tired to play? How many times did he play questionable cards? Did he forget to pay attention to his opponents’ tells? Should he have played out of position (all f-ing night, btw) differently? For the most part, Flynn is just-okay with his game. No excuses though ~ there were spots he could have made better decisions.

Tomorrow. There is no try, there is only do.

Non-poker highlights. 1. Nascar is in town. 2. Some big UFC fight happened. 3. It’s a Sat night in LV, and there are three types of tourists – drunk and stoned, dressed to the nines, or drunk, stoned & dressed to the nines. How can you not love the strip?



2 thoughts on “LV March ’22 Day 3 – Bellagio”

  1. I live vicariously thru your poker antics …
    errrr, I live nefariously thru ……
    errrr, I live vivaciously thru ……
    Ah, screw it, just keep ’em coming, please

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