The editor will just cut to the chase: Flynn took another loss. It was the same scenerio as the day prior, where it started status quo, went card dead, then went on a fiercely bad run. This time it was at Wynn playing 1/3. He did take a hard look at the 2/5 game there, but the stacks were just too big for his bankroll. He did not lose as much as the previous session, but it still hurts. Without a doubt, there will be another day, however, too many more of these and he will have reached the point of no return. Good thing he doesn’t owe much on his mortgage. (That’s a joke, Ollie) Flynn remains undeterred, and will give it some more effort, as he is an optomistic, degenerate, pink flamingo.

A bit about the Wynn. Flynn’s first impression of the poker room several years ago was not a good one. It seemed cold, and the competition was snobby. His impression has changed over the years though. The ammenities at this room are top notch, which means private restrooms, good service, and good beverage choices. Their Mary mix is the best. Being one of the 4 rooms that do not have promotions (or the drops that go along with them), it is now in the full rotation of Flynn’s stops. Parking is free, so no b.s. making sure you have your card out or getting stuck behind someone with technical problems. If you get there at the right time or day, it’s amusing to watch all the humans line up to get into the Encore Beach Club as you make your way into the building.

Being there during Wynn Millions is fun. If you wanna poker-star stalk, you are in the right place. Flynn railed Seidel, Katz, and many others yesterday during the 10K High Roller event. Not only was he seated two tables away, he could follow along with the action without being obtrusive by checking Poker Go’s live stream updates. Now, we are a little disappointed that we didn’t get to meet Robbie Strazynski of Cardplayer Lifestyle since he is in the country, but we do have hopes we will run into him sometime this trip. His content is great for both the amateur and professional alike.

If you want to read about a grievous violation of poker rules we were embroiled in while we were playing at the Wynn, feel free to read our Twitter feed: @FlynnandO . It was downright weird. The floor handled it textbook perfect, and extra extra kudos to the dealer who stuck up for Flynn when the offender turned mean. Again, we like the Wynn (Encore! we should get it right) poker room.

While we are in the mood to give our not-so-respected opinion of all things Vegas, just gonna put it out there that if you want quick fast food & have a vehicle (never ever pay strip prices if you can help it), Raising Cane’s is the place to go. Unless you are DNegs, cause it’s chicken.

That’s all we got. Monday is chore day, hitting the tables later. Wish luck upon us.

