Have we mentioned recently how fabulous Flynn’s accomodations have been this LV trip? Since this was almost a week into this trip, and a Monday (icky for poker), it was the perfect day to get some stuff done around the home-away-from-home. You know, chores. Laundry (in our suite!!!!), called housekeeping to come in and do a refresh, fueled Angry Bird, and got a nice wash/detail. It was a gloriously relaxing morning.

Being on vacation, however, there really wasn’t much else on the chore agenda. So, what to do in the afternoon? Flynn could take a hike at Red Rock, do some shopping at an outlet mall, drive a race car, or go to Saphirre. In the end he decided on – get this – poker.

Stop #1 was Resorts World. There were 3 tables of 1/3 going and a seat available at the newly opened one. Lo & behold, it was almost the same cast of characters that had been there Friday afternoon, including Stoned & Drunk. This time he was just stoned, not drunk. He proceded to talk to himself (?) about every hand, and after about 10 minutes of observation was simple to read. The entire table was easy to read, and the game was super mellow. No crazy betting, no one out of line, no maniacs. After having such a rocky previous two days, Flynn was more than happy to sit there and chill out. The chairs there are comfortable, the service was great, and Flynn had enough comps from Friday to get himself a hefty lunch for zero $. 4 hours there on site, and it was time to collect his couple hundo in profit and move on. Flynn likes this room, and hopes it becomes a bang-up success.

A great staff at Resorts World Poker room! And Flynn, of course.

Having spent the last 3 days predominately sitting in poker chairs, Flynn decided it was time to stretch the bird-legs. Since there was another high-roller Wynn Millions event going on, he opted to park at the Wynn, then walk over to the Grand Canal Shops to see what was afoot there. He posed for some photos at each locale, wandered about, and watched the local wildlife.

As he was already on the property, he walked down to the poker room at the Venetian to see what trouble was brewing there. The place was packed to the gills, much to Flynn’s suprise as the last time he was there it was d-e-a-d. Tournament, along with promotions, was drawing the players in big time. Nice to see. Flynn put his name on the 1/3 list, waited under 10 minutes and had a seat. He stayed exactly 40 minutes, which was how long it took to get a beverage, and a stack of profit. TTFN folks, we are off with some extra dinero in our pockets again to other adventures.

Other adventures being the Encore, of course. Flynn had been watching the updates on the Poker Go site, and knew that Cary Katz was still in, as well as DNegs, so a look-see to judge the state of the room was in order. Of course, he had every intention of just checking in, and then heading for the hotel. The poker room was packed. The lists were long. The action looked good. Flynn put himself on the 1/3 list – about 14th – and settled in to watch the tournament unfold. He waited about 20 minutes until they started a new table, and Flynn bought in short as he really, truly was not going to stay long. One lesson learned from the previous days was DO NOT PLAY TIRED.

Get this, folks. He did as he intended. The bird pulled it off. He ordered one beverage, increased his chips by a stack, and called it a night. Another 40 minute hit/run session done. Racked up. Got a pix with Dnegs on a break who is tolerant – he is a good poker ambassador -and got the heck out.

The beard looks good on you, DNegs. Thanks for the pix!

Three poker rooms, three positive results.



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