Flynn tried to take Angry Bird for a hose-down to get a weeks worth of travel off, but when he pulled AB into some random place, he was met with hostile stares, and some guy with no teeth that said ‘someone’ will be right with. Exactly 2 mins later, Flynn flew off. Mission not-accomplished. Come on, Vegas, you can do better.

Fine, off to somewhere more welcoming, the Resorts World poker room for the Mariano and Rampage Meet-Up Game. It was 3 hours before the event started, but Flynn wanted to hang out and play some 1/3 before moving to a 2/5 MUG table. This is such a nice room, very comfortable chairs, good staff, nice amenities. Flynn hopes they can get a good foothold. AND, get this, NO PROMOS. For those of you who prefer pure poker, this is the place to add to your list (Wynn, Bellagio, and Aria being the others).

Seated immediatly, the 1/3 games was fairly standard. Won some, then lost some. More interesting than the game itself were the players; this was a fun table. There were at least 4 others there who had a sense of humor and were willing to converse/laugh. There was also a turtle with the gator pulled up and sunglasses on, who didn’t speak at all. At one point, he pulled his gator down, and took off his glasses, to which Flynn said “Oh, look, a new player. Welcome to the game.” He was not amused, but the rest of the table cackled. A newer arrival to this 1/3 game was Stoner boy, flying some mj-brand logos, sunglasses, skinney jeans, and wasted as all get-out. He was talkative, nice, played fine, and was totally ridiculous. This is why we love to play poker in LV.

Moving on to a MUG table an hour before the stars were set to arrive, Flynn added 500 on to his 1/3 remaining stack. Max at this game is 1200, but Flynn doesn’t feel the need. Almost everyone else bought max.

Some random pix of chips

Another good cast of characters here at 2/5:

OMC, a cranky one, who clearly spent all of his time in this particular poker room as he ‘warned’ the floor about not having enough dealers for the event (they had plenty), complained the machine was out of cream for his hot chocolate (self-serve), got anxious if someone didn’t play fast enough, and told the (part-time, on-call) dealers what the house rules were.

The Drunk & Loud. The man from out of town who was legitimately drunk, very loud, very loose, and very lucky. We all know him and secretly hate him. He made up names for everyone at the table, talked continually, played every hand, never folded, and won a boatload. Claimed ignorance, and while still just as obnoxious as we make him sound, we also know he knew exactly how to play.

The Electric Chair. Seat 9 – didn’t matter who sat there, they got beat. The table warned newcombers to the table. They played anyway. It was horrible to watch.

The WBP: maybe a pro, as he may not have had another job. Very amusing to watch, as he flashed his stacks of bills around, talked about who he had played with, stakes, and acted like we were all far below his league. He even mentioned that he took down his you-tube channel becuase ‘it was giving people free coaching’. Don’t get Flynn wrong, he was not rude, and was a perfect addition to the cast. We enjoyed playing with him, and staring him down.

Ashley Sleeth: Poker vlogger. Charming woman & Flynn cannot figure out how she is able to keep a smile on her face for that many hours straight. You go, girl! She is the only one that WBP would actually engage with, as she was ‘somebody’. She was doing some filming of her own, engaged with everyone, and played thoughtfully.

Ashley Sleeth & Flynn – she’s cool!

Rampage: Rampage was the first to arrive for incarceration at our table. Turns out he knew who Flynn is, so that was a boost to the bird’s ego. He even made the handler do a re-take of the photo cause he didn’t like the first one (see the Star photos page for that). We have NEVER had that happen (the 1st photo was great, btw). Poor guy (?) had just lost a massive monster at the table before, so who knows where his head was really at, but he had a smile on his face, played aggressive (gee), and we- thinks he may have made up some of his loss. Flynn did not have the cards to engage with him, which is probably just as well.

Flynn & Mariano stare-down

Mariano: Mariano – the man without a Twitter account – came to do his time at our table. He immediately went all-in (against the 9 seat), and felted the guy after hitting his flush on the river. Again, Flynn felt fortunate to not have had the cards to engage. Watch his vlogs – Mariano is solid.

Mariano just got here! And is all-in….

A couple of observations about meet-up games (Flynn’s first official one): They are hard on the stars. Those folks have to move tables every-so-many minutes, be nice to everyone, play some hands even if they don’t want to, and did we mention be nice to everyone? Ugh. They are there for a long time, and it is work, plain and simple. Plus, they can lose (or win) a lot of their own $ in the process. #respect

Let’s give the venue some credit as well, RW did great. There were plenty of dealers, cocktail staff, and floor staff to accomodate. They thoughtfully worked out how to make it work, and carried through.

The stars of the show had done their time. Some players were adding on, some were busting, some had improved their stacks significantly. Flynn started good, went down, went card dead, then began climbing again. He ended up with a pretty healthy profit (and remember, he bought short), and called it a night. BTW, his nickname at the table was ‘nit’ which he doesn’t mind. Good for the image and gets a lot of bluffs through that way. Shit, are we giving away free coaching here?



One thought on “LV March ’22,Day 2,Resorts World”

  1. Sounds like you had fun, which is what MUGs are best suited for.
    I’ve played at a Resorts World two or three times. Frankly, I was concerned about a few too many buddies playing at the same table – money! The room is really comfortable, however.

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