Tuesday, the 19th: As per the new norm, Flynn puttered around the casa, the previous day’s blog got written, and he headed off to the Bellagio for some more 2/5 poker. Unfortunately for our readers, there is not a lot to report. It turns out one of his tablemates was Hasim Rahman, a world champ boxer. Flynn didn’t know this until the gentleman left, so no pix. Rumor had it that Johnny Chan was in Bobby’s room (okay, okay : Legends room), but again, the knowledge came too late to get a photo.

The table was just peachy, the game was peachy, the service and dealers were peachy. Flynn had the ideal run of cards, meaning he lost several pots in the beginning of the session, chipped back up, ended with a nice little profit at cash-out time Not a single character to comment upon ~ everyone was pleasant to hang out with.

Dinner plans were made with Lightning36, so off they went for a meal and poker talk. The world of Twitter gets some bad rap, deservedly so at times, but Flynn has found that it also creates some lasting friendships and commonality. He has met several Twitter folks this trip, and putting a face and personality to the text is just plain cool.

After a delicious evening meal, Flynn swung by the South Point poker room for an hour before hitting the hay. The timing was actually perfect, because the 2/3 game broke just as he was preparing to leave with his small profit. Again, the table was uneventful. Players were pleasant, dealers were good at their jobs, and there was nothing of note to report.

As this is a short report, and quite uneventful, we will leave our dear readers with these photos of the Bellagio Conservatory. We all need a little something free and beautiful in our lives.

