Wednesdasy, Oct 13th: After a nosh and publishing in the morning at the house, F&O went with their standard entertainment plans for Las Vegas -> hitting the tables. Flynn got dropped off at the Bellagio, while Ollie headed to the South Point to play some 4/8 Omaha. This was at 1100 am.

Ollie got into a new game, fiddled around a bit trying to bribe the card gods to cooperate. They didn’t cooperate, so 4 hours later he hopped into the $80 NLHE tournament. The card gods were not in the mood for a tournament either, so Ollie hopped into the ol’ standby 1/2 no limit cash game. His notes on the game were such: Ollie’s AA pre-flop raise got two callers, flop K xx. Ollie shoves, and managed to get one caller. The caller showed JJ, Ollie takes the pot. Ollie also notes he had a WP (Wannabe Pro) at his table, as denoted by his indignation that Ollie would dare to 3-bet him pre-flop ever. Ever, of course, being at leaste 5 times. WP only called him once, and lost. What is it with the WPs being insulted/confused/verbal jackasses to other players when someone bets or raises against them? But we digress. Ollie ended his session with a profit for the day, despite the run-bad in the O8 and tournament.

Flynn’s choice du jure was the 2/5 game at the Bellagio.

Ahhhh, home!

He got a buncha chips (with extras for insurance against having to reload), and waited about 30 minutes for a seat to open up. Seated by 1130, the game was afoot at table 38. There was only one character of note, some coked-up manic, who had been losing prior to Flynn’s arrival, but went on an upswing when Flynn sat down (dayamnit). He shoved every hand he played, ran up his chips to about a grand (not that much for 2/5), and moved to a 20/40 table about an hour later. Thank god! The best part of his story is that half-an-hour after that, Flynn saw him sit down at the 1/3 table next to #38. He was there for about 3 hours and seemed to be doing alright, and may have settled down a bit before he disappeared for the night. Flynn suspects that the 20/40 people gave him a good spanking.

An additional note about playing at the Bellagio: get there early folks! By 2 or so in the afternoon the waitlist was insanely long – two-plus hours (accouring to incoming players). The cashier cage had a line to the rail and was a 30++ minute wait. THIS is why Flynn gets extra chips ahead of time.

Flynn ran up a profit, lost the profit, lost some more, was all-in, won it, clawed and scratched his way to a hundo over buy in, lost that, and finally called it quits down less than a hundo. It was 9:30, he had been playing for 10 hours, and it was time for all good birds and otters to call it a day at poker. Flynn hailed the Ollie-Uber, and waited at the Bellagio front entrance watching the antics – which are amazing. So is the view.

No much else to report. Both critters grabbed chow at their respective casinos, so not even any restaurants to summarize. For those that need/want to know: The South Point does not allow food/eating at the tables, and does not allow much time for a break. The Bellaglio allows food at tables, they have food runners, and serve from the usual two places (Noodles and Snax). Food hack from Flynn ~ order the turkey club from Snax. It’s huge, will hold for several hours so one can eat half for lunch then eat the other half for dinner. Please, though, deconstsruct it and use a fork! (no eating with hands at the table, it’s gross).

That’s all there is for this day folks, just poker. F&O love it!

