Saturday the 16th: This was an odd day for Flynn and Ollie. Flynn opted to stay at the nest and get caught up on blogs and some other personal business. He is not much for taking care of ‘business’ while on vacataion, but sometimes a bird has got to do what a bird has got to do.

Ollie, on the otherhand, had a flight to catch that evening and was in no mood to let the day go to waste doing the mundane. He hopped into Angry Bird and toodled on down to the South Point to hit the poker tables. Because there were no poker reporters there to take notes, the editor can only say that he crushed it. He started at 2/3 and then moved to 3/5, and by the time Flynn arrived 5 hours later he had won mountains. Woot Woot!

Flynn Uber’d to the South Point, and dallied in some slots (a $10 loss, btw) while Ollie finished up so they could get one last meal together at one of their must-do places. Jessie Rae’s BBQ was the chow of choice, where they split a sandiwich and a side. F&O have been patronizing this joint for several years, and it is so nice to see that while they have slicked it up a little bit, it is still in the same dive-like location, cramped eat-in-area, no parking you-would-never-know-or-think-to-stop unless you were in the ‘know’. Their fame (some tv show or whatever) has not gone to their heads, so they have not moved. Keep the overhead low and the food fabulous ~ it is part of the charm. This was a win.

The next stop was the airport, to drop off Ollie. Loss. Bye Ollie! Flynn will see you in a week.

By this time it was early evening, and Flynn had some choices to make. He had not hit a poker table all day, and needed to decide where to play or if to play at all. His first option was the Wynn, but when he called to get on the list, they had a recording stating they were so busy they were not taking call-ins. If they were that busy, per Bravo and Poker Atlas, so were the rest of the rooms on the strip. Okay, back to the South Point, where Ollie had just taken everyone’s money (and he took it home with him; in hindsight he could have left some behind for Flynn). High hopes for a repeat performance, Flynn was seated for 5 minutes at a 1/3 table before being called to a 2/3 table.

Hopes dashed. Flynn lost a buy-in and a half in an hour, couldn’t make it happen and just gave up. When it’s not going, it is best to get up and leave – a lesson that is hard to learn sometimes. No hard feelings. Flynn went back to the casa, packed for his move to a different nest in the morning, and watched movies.

