The noon poker of choice was the Aria for some 1/3 while Flynn waited for some friends to arrive. He had high hopes for a comeback from his previous visit there, however no such thing happened. Multiple flopping of worlds followed by turn & river sending him to cold, dark, lonely space. No one would fold to Flynn, as he was ‘that bird’ who couldn’t win a hand. The ONLY hand they folded was when he was on button, and flopped a FH. In case you were wondering – which we would be – we are fairly sure no tells on our end involved. Flynn has been told on numerous occasions that he is hard to read, and he is careful. Regardless, his handler will keep an eye on this. Two buy-ins later, and he was outta there.

A couple of friends were in town for the CMAs, so Flynn turned into an Uber driver, and shuttled them to Resorts World, which they had not seen, where Flynn played a few pianos.

Two standing ovations later, they moved on to Freemont Street. In order to get free parking at the Golden Nugget, Flynn was forced to play some poker there for a validated ticket. His friends meandered, he was seated at the nittiest, slowest, most boring 1/2 NL table he had ever played at. One would think this would be a good thing for Flynn’s playing style, and it would have been except the dreaded run-bad continued, and his reputation was again sealed after about 30 mins of missing or getting rivered every single time. Bleck. Fortunately, the bets were so low, and the cards mostly so bad, that his loss was not as gut-punched painful as at the Aria earlier. He cashed out his remaining and left after about an hour.

A stroll to Pizza Rock (recommend) with friends, a slice of the day for Flynn, and it was time to call it a night. Flynn gave the Uber uber-tour down the entire strip before dropping them off. We are pretty sure we saw Keith Urban’s buses, but since they were unmarked, we will never know. (Standing out the sunroof and asking the bus driver didn’t elicit a response.)

The editor wishes he had more vivid news, but truth be told, the day was not good for poker, there were no good characters at the tables, and no drama or fights. Boring.

Back to begging for donations on the pedestrian bridges for us tomorrow.



One thought on “LV Trip Report March ’22, Day 6 – Grrrrr”

  1. Try beating on a big grocery store plastic tub. That might work a little better for you on the bridge. Beware, however, of trespassing on someone else’s turf!

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