Day 1, arrival day – a Sunday (10/10). Flynn and Ollie had spent 4 days and 3 nights on the road before hitting Sin City at 2 in the afternoon. Is it wise to play poker after a long drive day, strung out and tired? Naw. F&O friend Luke herded the cats, and they agreed to show up at the South Point for the annual Drunk Poker meet-up at 4pm. Flynn was thrilled to have the first day in town be a DP mug, as he could just get it out of his system and concentrate on real poker the rest of the trip.

Ollie and Flynn were seated at separate tables upon arrival (they were 1st to get there). The game of choice was the lowest running, 3/6 limit. Within 30 minutes of sitting down, Ollie had his seat drawn for a $100 football promo. Shortly thereafter, Flynn moved to his table, Luke arrived and was seated with them. Flynn went fishing for food (sushi roll). Flynn rushed through his fish while seated in the sportsbook, since eating in the poker room is verbotin. Very funny, guys! When Flynn came back 15 mins later, the table was empty. Not a soul was there. How does an entire 9 handed table move or vacate within 15 minutes? Vanished. Turns out, Luke and Ollie had run everyone off. Can’t trust those boys one iota.

After hunting through the room, Flynn finally found them on the far side, at a different table. By this time, Chris had arrived, and the shots were coming fast and furious. Lo and behold, Mr Lucky Otter won another random seat drawing for a hundred or two. What are the odds? Wait for it… he then won a third one! Astronomical. Add to those odds that Flynn won a rando seat drawing, AND our table won the random table-draw splash pot. It was almost embarassing.

Drunk poker rules: establish a swear jar (tip the dealer a buck everytime you utter something you shouldn’t). Warn newcomers to the table of the drunkeness. Be supportive and welcoming to incoming players and existing players. Applauding, hooting, and general rowdiness is encouraged. Humor is rated on a sliding scale. The cool new players stick around and join the fun, or at least enjoy the show. The ones that can’t hack it move tables. The dealers make a extra dough (refer back to the swear jar) , and the cocktail servers are well-rewarded.

The game ran for many many hours. Flynn tried to sober up at the 6 hour mark. Ollie and Chris kept at it. Ollie lost all of his money, and the bonus bucks. Chris clawed and fought (okay, donkey-played) his way out of the hole. Flynn took a hit. Luke probably won, cause he wasn’t drunk.

Approaching the 7th hour of play, management approached the table. Uh oh! Yes, dear readers, the participants had been a little loose with the swearing thing, and quite loud when someone hit a big pot, bonus, or suck out, but come-on, nothing that warranted a shut down. It turns out the exact opposite was true. The dear folks at South Point poker wanted to thank us for coming out and gifted us with hats!! This was very cool of them, and very appreciated by the core group of F&O drunk poker players. Woo woot, swag!

The goods! Hats!

The clock struck midnight, and of couse that meant Flynn & Ollie turned into pumpkins. Having had nary but 1 sushi roll and about a hundred-six alcoholic beverages since 9 am, it was time to cash out and hit the Coronado Cafe on property for the 6 buck steak & eggs special. Let us tell you folks, that midnight menu is a life-saver.

A now sober (but hurtin’) Flynn drug still really drunk Ollie home.

DP has taken place at several casinos around town. This was the second DP experience at the South Point, and it couldn’t have been better. The crew will be back!



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