Dec 6-12th, 2023

Happy reading. Or scanning. Or Skipping.

Wednesday : Aria was the choice of the day, as Flynn needed to get some hours logged in to maintain MGM Gold status. Turns out the hour count does not end until the end of January, so he is golden (ha ha) on that account. No problem to get that done. He had packed a lunch, so there was no ordering from the table – he is trying to turn over a new leaf – and he even took a 20 minute break to take his lunch outside the poker room to eat it. To be honest, he does not remember what the end result was, but by the time he left at a reasonable hour to get home for dinner, he was not cranky.

Thursday : The day started off at the Bellagio, on the lists for 1/3 and 2/5 and was seated shortly after arriving at 1/3, but before he had even played a single hand, Flynn got called for 2/5. Again, Flynn played his A-game, packed his lunch, took a break to eat it, and didn’t mess around with the game. He did place a bet on the Steelers at the sportsbook for the heck of it (thanks a lot, Jim) to sweat later. End result: not remarkable.

Packing up his gear, Flynn hoofed (?) it over to NYNY to hook up with Fuzzy to grab some grub from a hospitality suite that had leftovers. No, not to mooch. Okay, to mooch. However, this accomplished two missions: a) get a bunch of steps in and b) provide nourishment to the gang playing at the Westgate. Did you know that walking from Aria parking garage -> Bellagio poker room -> NYNY -> Aria parking garage will get your allotment in? That, and carrying two bags of sandwiches, fruit, chips and cookies is damn heavy after the first 1/2 mile.

Jumping into Angry Bird, Flynn headed down to the Westgate to meet up with a flock, including Jim (of losing Steelers fame) and Ollie. They were playing 1/2 at was supposed to be the OMC-nittiest game in the history of LV games. First of all, there was a list. Second of all, it was action city. So, Flynn passed out the chow and waited to get seated. End result – a loss of $20, not including the Steelers bet, thanks again Jim. Let it be stated that that particular game had a normal buy-in of $100. Not this night.. nope. Buy-ins 3x that, big pre-flop raises, and so forth. Great action, but not for Flynn who just wanted to chill out after Bellagio.

As typical of Ollie, NLHE as not doing it for him, so he bailed & entered the Lazy Pineapple tournament. The rest of the gang left him behind an hour later, cause no one was waiting around for that to end. Who rails a LazyP tournament anyway? Instead, Flynn offered to be the Uber and ended up taking his 3 passengers on a hillybilly drive around LV trying to get to various hotels “the back way”. Not only was this rather hysterical, turns out there were a few infractions involved – think illegal u-turns, bringing us to:

Friday : Aria , but not intentionally. Ollie had arrived home the night before after having chopped the LazyP tournament 3 ways (2nd in chips). Flynn, while cleaning out the poker suitcase (backpack), he discovered that his wallet was gone. Nowhere to be found. Now, professional poker players like Flynn know better than to carry a bankroll in the wallet, however, other Very Important Things are in there, like driver’s licenses. So, yeah… Flynn hasn’t had one of those in his possession since when? So begins the hunt, The very small house (named “One Time”) and Angry Bird were turned upside-down. No love there. When was the last time it was used? Two days prior. called the grocery store, called Ikea, Bellagio, and then Aria. In the words of customer service, “Winner winner, chicken dinner”. Holy forks.. it had been turned in. Even the cash (minimal) was inside. Much to Flynn’s regret, the person who found it did not leave a name – likely an employee. If anyone out there in Aria-land knows which kind-soul rescued Flynn’s Very Important Things, please let us know here at the Chronicle. We need to hug them.

Naturally, since Flynn was there to pick up the Very Important Things from customer service, he had to stay at the Aria and play a bit. A bit turned into 8 hours. It also turned into a not-winning session, we think but we can’t swear to that. Flynn just remembers having to switch tables shortly after arriving because there was an utter jerk he didn’t feel like taking-on, and then having to order food because he hadn’t packed a lunch due to the circumstances surrounding his arrival on the property. For the record, Seoul Bird’s chicken tenders are seriously good. Expensive, but good.

Saturday : The WPT World Championship is a small, relatively fly-under-the-radar tournament that is currently running at the Wynn. In order to support the venue, Flynn decided to trek on over and give them some love. Having experience in this situation, he knew that he should get there early to set the tone for other players and lure them into the poker room to play, akin to lemming theory. Upon arrival in room itself, he was a reasonable 16th on the list, a full two hours before the tournament even started for the day. Poor Wynn! Flynn had enough time to get 3/4 of a mile walk in the casino before getting a seat. There he stayed for the duration. He did not win, but he did come back from what could have been an epic loss to a tolerable one. He met some hip new players that he hadn’t played withs before (regulars are boring), took his now mandatory 30 minute lunch break where he said hi to friend BJ Nemeth – reporter extraordinaire for the WPT and world-traveler and more importantly dad to BriscoMutt – and called it quits in the early evening. Down, but not down, if you know what we mean?

Should we mention that we played with Princess Love, internet celeb and sis-in-law to singer Brandy? She was at the Wynn to play a women’s event, and killed some time at cash ahead of time. She was a very good player, and charming to boot. Of course, Flynn had not one iota of a clue who she was until another player recognized her. Flynn is not cool enough to run in those circles. (@MZPrincessLove). We shall post her pix on the famous star pix page.

Sunday : Was the day of the RecPoker meet-up game at The Poker Oasis, which is a private club at the home of friends of Flynn and Ollie. Frank and Margaret are great hosts, although they did not really socialize or show their faces much. F&O saw old friends, ate far too many snacks, met new friends, and played a little poker. Ollie chose .25/.50 NL, which from the sounds of it was a wild & crazy, while Flynn took 1/2 FL mixed games dealer’s choice. Mixed games are hard! There was a good time had by every single player, Flynn did not lose, he learned a LOT from our outstanding dealer/candied bacon maker – @Onechiquita. Jim from losing-Steelers fame was also there, and Flynn hopes he got some of his football bet $ back from him. No clue though.

Dear readers, this brings us current. Mon & Tues are not good poker days, so Flynn took those off and did some normal life stuff, like took a hike, installed the alarm system. Next up is a meet-up game with the flamboyance at the Sahara. Question: will there be bomb pots, the 7-2 or stand-up games, Fireball, or snacks? It remains to be seen.
