An eon has passed since Flynn has opinioned a poker article. This is understandable as he has been busy with Ollie, galivanting around the SW, doing much healthier activities than sitting at a poker table for hours upon end, day after day. Don’t misunderstand, though, he has played occasionally as the opportunity has arisen and he has been following the poker world on the Twitter. Oy vey.

So much has happened in the past couple of months:  the J-4 hand, the paper service on Postle, the Kessler accusation against the WPT reporters, the rise in success of women in various tournaments, and the new season of High Stakes Poker on PokerGo.  Should opponents be required to show hands when all-in during a tournament? Is it outright cheating to not take your seat immediately to avoid the blinds when entering or moving during a tournament.  Flynn threw a dart and hit on the following for commentary and unqualified opinionating:

The J-4 hand ~ Get a life, Garrett. Suck it up and ADMIT you were beat in the hand. There is no crying in poker*. Who cares if RL misread her hand, was on tilt, just felt like it, or had a dead-on read on you.   She has no obligation to justify her play to ANYONE.  For those of you who investigated (gave your speculative opinions) from the sidelines – phoey. Flynn begs of you to stop taking sides or justifying reasons for the accusation on either party’s behalf.   Let GA take it to the casino, have them do due diligence, and let the chips fall where they may*.  Flynn cannot believe RL even bothered to defend herself.    Wait ~ maybe she was afraid of suffering the same fate as Postle?

*Unrelated note:  Flynn cries in poker, in the car on the way home. 

*Unrelated note:  The chips fell alright – to chip stealer dude’s pockets.

Which brings Flynn to the still unresolved issue of the Stones/Postle accusations from years ago.  Flynn does not take sides and has penned his take on the situation in past op-eds, but here he goes again:  MP was never proven to have cheated via court, via any real investigation by the casino nor via legit outside source. Flynn does not give a hoot about stats, ranges, variance, blockers, odds, beads, phone usage, ball caps, or past history.  MP was HOUNDED through the poker circles via every means possible.  Flynn doesn’t care if You-Tuber-so-&-so scraped a zillion hours of footage about his previous play*.  Humans are an unpredictable lot.  Mind you, Flynn is not saying he is not guilty.  He is saying he was never proven guilty of cheating.   The current judgement against him is for not showing up in court for an entirely different matter – recouping attorney fees for his accusers.  Yes, he acted sketch during the whole uproar, dodged attorneys, paper service, court and so forth.  Shady, yes. Handled it horribly, yes.  Proven guilty, no.   Lawyers, go after your money. The rest of you, let him be.   Stones – well, good luck recovering from that fiasco. What happened to JK, anyway? 

*Just try to analyze Flynn’s play.  Go ahead, try. Sheer chaos.

Circling back: if GA is deemed more credible* (after all, he is a rich pro) than RL (a rec who is not playing her usual venue) is it any wonder she felt the need to defend herself against even more ridiculous accusations when the poker armchair quarterbacks decided to take up the “it must be cheating” battle-cry? Flynn is amazed she has not filed some sort of defamation suit against some of the pot-stirring poker drama queens. 

*In poker, credible = popularity contest.

Flynn is feeling especially cantankerous (hungover) today, so let’s just throw out some additional unpopular opinions for which he has no solid knowledge and has no business speaking up about:  Chris Ferguson is not the bad guy.  If you didn’t see Black Friday coming, tough.  Phil Helmuth should not be given a pass to insult and berate other players because it’s good for viewership. (FWIW, Flynn loves PH.)  Collusion and outright cheating are rampant in on-line poker. Finally, blockers aren’t real, but revenge range charts are.

Where is the Alka-Seltzer?



One thought on “Poker Op-Ed ~ Sunday, 2/5/2023”

  1. Seems to me that Robbi Jade Lew got what she really wanted: publicity, becoming known in the poker world. It’s always bugged me that she gave the money back. I still think thete are things about the situation that we don’t know. Once again, poker players look like slimy creatures.
    Oh, and speaking of slimy creatures, Mike Postle. Another black eye for poker. Never anything but black eyes, it seems.

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