Yo, Vegasers. Or is it Vegasites? Vegers? Whatever. Flynn and Ollie have arrived in your fine burb and are off and running. First stop on the poker circut was, of course, the WSOP for a fly-thru. They will be back on a later day this trip as well for more shameless photo ops, so stay tuned.

First item on the otter’s agenda was to stalk the very famous, avid, skilled and usually drunk poker player, @WASHDUDE . (This is why Flynn LOVES him.) As you can tell by his pix, he is by nature a shy person. Ollie had to hunt him down by scent, and threaten to waterboard him with greyhounds in order to get this picture.

@WASHDUDE ready to take it down

As F & O were making their way around the Pavilion room, they ran into another celebrity, the one and only @Kevmath. Since Kevin has been referenced in the Chronicle previously this makes him extra famous. It was a fortuitous meeting. Kevin is one busy man during the WSOP, handling the Twitter account for @wsop . Crazy job I tell ya, but if you want to know anything about what is happening there, he is the man to go to. Flynn feels like he has a friend in high places now. Flynn is such a name dropper (takes after @phil_hellmuth).

Kevin Mathers, (@KevMath) The @wsop god.

Just in case you have been bemoaning the loss of its Twitter account, here is is a photo of the WSOP Hot Dog Cart. Empty. No dogs. No one manning the tongs, no stacks of napkins. Sigh. This photo was taken during the senior’s tourney, so of course it was not open yet. Because, well, we all know being a senior means being punished by having to get up at the crack of dawn. Who says seniors don’t like hot dogs for breakfast anyway?

Forlorn WSOP Hot Dog Cart

Moving on: Yes, Flynn and Ollie have been dabbling on the felt. Mandalay Bay, Golden Nugget, Binions, and the Strat have all been the beneficiaries of their presence, and their bankroll. Yes, Flynn realizes this is a strange, and not exactly the tip-top most popular of room selections, but that is a story for another day. And, frankly, these rooms have been quite fun. Seriously.

Oh, snap ~ forgot to add this pix for WSOP fly-by.

Flynn helps out with set preparation

Last poker event to be mentioned is the @TheTrooper97 ‘s meet-up game at the Westgate on Thursday. F & O attended, had a blast, lost a little (cough) $, drank some coffee, ate some pizza and met some neighbors from their hometown. As usual, Tim was a charming host, and did not try to hard sell his hats or coffee. FWIW, Flynn and Ollie have been VLOG followers pre-100, and now he is almost a pro (Ha! he IS a pro). BTW, Flynn will likely see you next Thursday too. Put him on the list (Ollie will be back home, making up Flynn’s bankroll).

Trooper Thursday at the Westgate

Fabulous fans, there will be more Vegas posts coming. Just keep your shirts on, or at least don’t lose them.

