Way back when, the Chronicle wrote about the allegations against Stones Gambling Hall , Justin K, and Mike P. by Veronica B. (and others, eventually). Our conclusion at that time was to wait and see what a neutral party (the court) had to say.

The court spoke: “We aren’t going to play this game”.

The attorney for the plaintiff, M. Verstandig, spoke: “Stones and Kuraitis cooperated, and there was no evidence against them”.

Veronica Brill has spoken: “I refuse to believe it. No matter what.”

Justin Kuraitis has spoken: “Neener neener. I told you all I didn’t do it”

Mike Postle has spoken: (crickets)

The poker community spoke: Verstandig let us down. There was a (measly) settlement, so we won. We stand by Veronica. We stand by Stones and Justin. We have proof (no matter which side).

There has been so much drama, it poked the bear. Finally!

Phil Galfond is now speaking: I am going to try to look at this from a neutral position, analyze the data, and submit my findings about Postle’s play.

The Chronicle wishes him the best of luck. It is unfortunate that there is not video of ALL the games Postle played, not just live streamed, higher stakes games. As 1-3 NL players ourselves, Flynn and Ollie can attest to the insane wing-nut calls, folds, and raises that are the norm at the table. It would not surprise us in the least if MP played like a maniac, swingy, and tight all in an hour at a 1-3 game. Would he play the same while being live-streamed? We can’t say. Sadly, PG won’t be able to say either.

However, there is probably no one better to keep a level, neutral, analytical head when looking at the hands that are available. Frankly, up until PG stepped up to the plate, our faith in the neutrality of the other analysts was limited at best. F&O know how to use statistic with the best of em, and we can recognize when conclusions are driven by desired narrative. This does not make them wrong. It does make them questionable.

The Chronicle is highly confident that Stones and Kuraitis were not complicit in any wrongdoing. Good on them. Please leave them alone. Let’s keep an open mind about Mr. Postle himself until the GOAT Galfond releases his summary.

Take it down, PG!

We may never know. That would be unfortunate.

