Flynn and Ollie have spent the past 10 days in the sunny state of Florida. They had a fabulous time, and if the editors of the Chronicle ever got their act together, they may finish the travel articles about it. But, now for the important stuff: Las Vegas: poker updates and so forth.

Prior to leaving FL, F & O made a stop at Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood. Because they could, it was there, and no way were they going to miss it. This property is pretty amazing. There is one shot here of the poker room itself, snuck in before Flynn got busted for taking pix. Flynn and Ollie both sat in a 1/2 (or was it 1/3?) game for about 2 hours, and managed to book profits before heading to the airport hotel for an early flight.

Okay, enough of that: off to LV. F&O had a long flight, long layover, and got into town strung out and time-change impaired. There was a stop at a grocery store for beverages and room-snacks. Okay, boys and girls, really? The hoarders of bottled water, sanitizer and such need to just STOP! It’s stupid. Yes, have it on hand. No, don’t keep it from everyone else. Greedy jerks. But Flynn digresses.

Did that stop them? Heck no! After checking in to the normally inexpensive hotel off-strip (ConAgg has mucked that all up), they chilled for an hour or so before hitting the tables. By the way, South Point has coffee makers and fridges in all of their rooms. The rooms are big, comfortable, and clean. No carpet! Yay! There are plenty of outlets. Yes, they have a resort fee, but it’s half the strip hotels charge, and all parking (valet too) is free. Therefore, today they get a shout-out for not screwing guests. Ollie hopes he is happy for the next 5 days here, cause you know, *& happens.

To the South Point poker room they go. A 1/2 nlhe game starts up (there were already 3 or 4 going) and Flynn and Ollie both get in on the new table. Flynn’s favorite way to get in a game is at a new table. Flynn does okay at first, getting both cards and some decent flops. Of course, two hours later the tides change, and he is below starting stack. Pfft. The table dynamic changed, a group of restless and intoxicated friends were in and out of seats, debated taking 40 minutes to eat, half couldn’t decide, blah blah blah. Flynn bailed and late-reg’d the tournament. He made it through half the field before busting out, which is about normal for Flynn.

Ollie had a quick unfortunate session at the 1/2 game – lost a several big hands to a pleasant LGG (Local-Grinder-Girl), gave up and entered the tournament on time. The ironic part was, not only was LGG at his tournament table, but when Flynn late-reg’d, he was seated at the same table as well. There were 6 tables so what are the odds? Okay, really, Flynn doesn’t care. He just does not like sitting with Ollie in a tourney. Ollie is too good.

All is well that ends well. Flynn lasted longer than LGG, so there is that. Ollie made it to the money several hours later <- not only is he good at tournament play, he actually likes them. There were 85 entries. Not 1st, 2nd or 3rd, but in the money nonetheless.

Day one did not result in a positive win/loss, but that’s okay. There is always a next time. Stay tuned!

