The Chronicle’s editors have been unusually quiet recently about the world of poker and cozen. However, having some time on their hands, and giving great thought to the topic (reading Twitter), it is time to tackle the @DanBilzerian / GG issue. Should GG have signed him as an ambassador?

Short answer, yes. We know this is an unpopular opinion for most of the people we follow on Twitter, and so be it. We say what we want, and apologize later if needed. Let’s break it down.

GG is not poker. GG is an on-line game, cozen, which mimics poker, but in reality has a limited resemblance to brick & mortar real poker. GG is a business. It has a job: to make money. Period. As evidenced by the history of cozen, on-line sites struggle with profit. They are plagued with cheaters, embezzlers, legality issues, geographic issues, and technical issues. We would venture to say they are predominately throttled by a limited customer base. There just are not that many people that want to put their money down on a ‘game’ that has such a steep learning curve, fraught with sharks and cheaters, and that is , frankly, not fun to play as there are no cool graphics, cute animals, levels of success with exploding fireworks ~ think Candy Crush, Pokemon, Minecraft or World of Warcraft – esque.

If Dan Bilzerian is able to draw the db crowd (you figure it out) into GG, then it’s good for cozen, the on-line game. If you are a player with some time, practice, and study under your belt, his crowd is exactly the opponent you want to play against. If they think that what he does is cool, and want to live in his world, then let them put their money in the pot. We all know it isn’t going to last long. That pool will dry up, as his followers realize how boring it is, and will go back to sports betting (valid) and doing shots every time a football announcer says “penetration”.

If DB does something criminal, or destructive, then of course, he should be released. Let us be clear, being destructive does not mean offending a few poker/cozen playing participants. Frankly, here at the Chron, we can’t come up with a more lucrative suggestion to bring in a crowd, male or female. High- profile, social-media prolific poker players that would like to be considered for the job just won’t bring in the business, as their followers already play the game. Maybe K Hart, L Prepon, B Garrett, or some other poker-playing celebrity may boost deposits a tad, but they all most likely have a different demographic of followers than DB does, and we would find it hard to believe those celebs need or want a contract with an on-line cozen company. Send us your better suggestions and we will reach out. Our rolodex is large.

Does the Chron think DB is a good guy? Nope. But we sure want to play against his friends (at a real table – since we don’t play online ). We will buy the shots.

