Flynn & Ollie have found themselves with some time off in March 2020. The original thought was to take the 5th wheel to Las Vegas and follow the usual agenda of poker, hiking, and lounging around. It’s hard to go wrong with that plan, especially in March when the weather in the PNW is the pits.

There are already plans in the works for a month-long road trip this summer: Yellowstone, Cody, dinosaur bones, rivers, and so forth. One would have to ask Ollie about this, since he is in charge of the agenda. Flynn is open to anything, as long as there is alcohol involved, along with WiFi and running water every now and then.

The dilemma arose when the realization that neither Flynn nor Ollie have not yet been to Key West. Granted, there are a lot of places that Flynn and Ollie have never been to ~ Topeka, Yeomen, the Mariana Trench ~ but Key West has always been on the bucket list. It is a must do for the flamingo. So…… it could be that a change of plans is in the works.

How long do they stay? Where do they stay? Do they fly to Miami & rent a car, or fly in and out of Key West? Do they stay the entire time in FL and go places on the mainland, or go for a shorter time and spend a few days in Vegas on the way back. There are many options and not much time to plan, as the time frame is during Spring break and the state of Florida will be inundated with everyone.

Then there are budget considerations. It’s not like F&O have unlimited funds. They are reliant on their handlers for travel expenses, so this means no first class tickets, no suites in Key West, and no week-long VIP passes in Disney World. Since it is not feasible to drive the 5th wheel to Florida and back in the time allowed, F&O must come up with a reasonable solution to this particular first world problem. Sleeping in the rental car is not really an option, since we are not as hard core as BJ Nemeth. Nor do we have comps for free rooms or food (although we do have relatives in FL, so mooching is not out of the question).

This is too hard. Maybe just stay home.

(Suggestions welcome)

