Faithful readers of the Chronicle know that road trips are frequent. So, while this report will cover “Day 1” of poker in LV, it is really day something-or-another of this trip for Flynn.

Flynn and his handler hit town on a Wednesday afternoon. For some unknown reason (guesses about the size of the tip), they were upgraded to a fabulous suite at their hotel of choice. Since they will be in LV for almost two weeks, this is a welcome perch. Despite getting into town and checked in hours before sunset, Flynn opted to organize his nest and stay in to get some rest from numerous days on the road.

Fast forward to Thursday morning, and this is the view to which Flynn awoke (corner room, lots of views). The editor apologizes for the quality of the photo ~ shooting through a window with a phone is problematic.

Good morning!

After taking some time to make coffee and breakfast, Flynn hit the pavement for a walk-about to work out the kinks. The destination was The Park MGM because that place has Eataly to look at, and the casino smells so good without smoke.

Flynn also walked aroud the outdoor park to see what had changed since his last visit. Sadly he found proper grammar and use of the English language had gone by the wayside.


Okay, enough of putting off the inevitable. Flynn waddled to the Aria and got in a 1/3 game. Only 20 hours after he hit town. He stayed in the game for 8 hours. Within the first hour Flynn lost one hand (felted) to the tune of his entire stack. Rebuy! Not the way to start the day. More good cards that were not good enough, and, well we all know how it goes.

The table had a few interesting characters, including two boys from Michigan State who had flown in for ?? some sports game , lost a bundle the previous day, but were poker junkies. They were so excited to meet or just see some ‘names’, and it was refreshing to spend time with people who were happy to be there. Discussion was poker talk, and not politics or Covid. Yipee! And, while Flynn missed his photo op with Durrrr, he did manage to snag one of Matt Berkey so hop on over to the Star Photos page to see that. Wrapping up that session 8 hour later, tired, stiff and down more than 4, less than 5, Flynn cashed out.

After much thought while licking his wounds, he flipped a coin to decide whether to go to the Wynn to stalk the pros playing in the Wynn’s Millions, or just go back to the room. Degenerate that he is, he bailed the car out of valet jail, made it down LVB without hitting anyone, and strolled the tournament tables. Yep, there were several pros still in it, although didn’t see Tom D, dunno if he was even playing. The most-bested exciting sight to see was Erik Seidel, who Flynn considers to be top-top live player. He was very courterous to take a pix during break, but seemed not the least bit interested in his fan bird. I guess he had more important things on his mind, like winning a lot of dough. Flynn doesn’t hold it against him. Again, check out the Star Photos page. There were several other players that Flynn didn’t get photos with, as the break was short, and he didn’t want to disturb ~ still Koon and Katz, you are on our radar so beware.

Did you think Flynn would make the trip to the Wynn without actually getting in a game? Ha, we laugh at your naivety! 1/3 , buy in, lose it all in 20 minutes. Buy in again, lose another few hundo before finally getting a ‘normal’ run of cards, clawing, scraping, grinding, and crushing opponents and cashing out a whopping $45 ahead. Not a bad comeback, considering. The game/players were awesome. Flynn would have stayed much longer, except for the exhaustion. Can’t play good when tired, so he excercised some discipline and skedaddled. Still down $ for the day of course, but always better to leave on a winning note.

Tomorrow Flynn shall attempt to get to RW for the Rampage meetup game. It might happen.



One thought on “Trip Report, Las Vegas March 2022”

  1. The picture of your room that you posted on Facebook looked sweet. How did you charm yourself to such a nice upgrade?

    I still have some plans to work out, but am tentatively coming to Las Vegas March 13-16. If so, I would prefer that the “focused” poker game start later than 2pm.
    Good luck!

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